Premade Applicants Filter

Allows filtering of premade applicants using advanced filter expressions.

Premade Applicants Filter

Premade Applicants Filter helps you limit the visible applicants of the LFG Premade Groups tool. When creating a premade group for a popular activity such as the latest raid or a high mythic plus dungeon, group leaders find themselves with a lot of applicants. Those applicants have to be checked manually for role, class, item level and other external metrics such as a Raider.IO rating. Premade Applicants Filter aims to help group leaders by filtering out applicants that do not match the required criteria.


All applicants are technically an applicant group that consists of a list of members. Most of the time, there is only one member in this group. This means that all statements about the members of an applicant group have to be quantified using either the some or all quantifiers. The only unbound keyword is the members variable which is a direct property of the applicant group. This means instead of just boolean expression, you may now write some sort of first-order logic expression!


members == 1only applicant groups with one member
some("heal")there is at least one heal in the applicant group
all("ilvl >= 400")all members of the applicant group must have item level 400 or better
all("ilvl >= 400 and (rio > 800 or rioprev > 800 or riomain > 800)")all members of the applicant group must have item level 400 or better and a Raider.IO rating of 800 this season, last season or on their main character
some("heal or deathknight") and none("hunter")there is at least one heal or deathknight in the group, but no hunter


all("...")everyall members of the applicant group must fulfill the given predicate
some("...")existsat least one member of the applicant group must fulfill the given predicate
none("...")synonym to not all()

Global keywords

This keyword must not be quantified (all other keywords require a quantifier).

membersintegernumber of members in the applicant group

Standard keywords

levelintegerapplicant level
ilvlintegermaximum item level
myilvlintegeryour own item level (for comparison)
hlvlintegerhonor level
relationshipstringyour relationship to the applicant (friend, guild or empty)
friendbooleanif applicant is in your friend list
guildbooleanif applicant is in your guild
tankbooleanif applicant would like to play tank
healerbooleanif applicant would like to play heal
healbooleansynonym for healer
damagebooleanif applicant would like to play damage dealer
dpsbooleansynonym for damage
rangebooleanif applicant's class can be a ranged class
meleebooleanif applicant's class can be a melee class

Class keywords

deathknightbooleanif applicant is a deathknight
demonhunterbooleanif applicant is a demonhunter
druidbooleanif applicant is a druid
hunterbooleanif applicant is a hunter
paladinbooleanif applicant is a paladin
priestbooleanif applicant is a priest
magebooleanif applicant is a mage
monkbooleanif applicant is a monk
roguebooleanif applicant is a rogue
shamanbooleanif applicant is a shaman
warlockbooleanif applicant is a warlock
warriorbooleanif applicant is a warrior

Rating keywords

mpratingintegeroverall mythic+ dungeon rating (0 if no rating)
mpmapratingintegermythic+ rating in current dungeon (0 if no rating)
mpmapmaxkeyintegermax key done in current mythic+ dungeon (0 if no rating)
mpmapintimebooleancurrent mythic+ dungeon completed successfully (false if no rating)
mpmapnamestringcurrent mythic+ dungeon name (can be empty if no rating)

Provided by Premade Regions

regionstringregion name of the applicant
ocebooleanif the data center region of the applicant is Sydney
chibooleanif the data center region of the applicant is Chicago
labooleanif the data center region of the applicant is Los Angeles
mexbooleanif the data center region of the applicant is Mexico
bzlbooleanif the data center region of the applicant is Brazil

Provided by Raider.IO

hasriobooleanif the group leader has a profilehasrio
noriobooleanif the the group leader does not have a profile( norio or rio > 500 ) ranking of the group leaderrio > 500 ranking in previous seasonrioprev > 500 ranking of main characterriomain > 500 ranking of main character in previous seasonrioprevmain > 500
riokey5plusintegernumber of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 5 or higherriokey5plus >= 5
riokey10plusintegernumber of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 10 or higherriokey10plus >= 5
riokey15plusintegernumber of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 15 or higherriokey15plus >= 5
riokey20plusintegernumber of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 20 or higherriokey20plus >= 5
riokeymaxintegerthe maximum keystone level the group leader completedriokeymax >= 10
rionormalprogressintegerthe number of bosses killed in the current raid on normal difficulty (e.g. 2 means any two bosses killed)rionormalprogress > 0
rioheroicprogressintegerthe number of bosses killed in the current raid on heroic difficulty (e.g. 2 means any two bosses killed)rioheroicprogress > 0
riomythicprogressintegerthe number of bosses killed in the current raid on mythic difficulty (e.g. 2 means any two bosses killed)riomythicprogress > 0
riomainprogressintegerthe maximum number of bosses killed in the current raid on any difficulty with the main character (i.e. you are looking at a twink)riomainprogress > 0
rionormalkillstablea table that contains the number of kills for each boss on normal difficultyrionormalkills[1] > 0 means first boss killed at least once
rioheroickillstablea table that contains the number of kills for each boss on heroic difficultyrioheroickills[8] > 0 means 8th boss killed at least once
riomythickillstablea table that contains the number of kills for each boss on mythic difficultyriomythickills[3] > 0 means third boss killed at least once
rioraidbosscountintegernumber of bosses in the current raidrionormalkills[rioraidbosscount] > 0 means last boss in the raid killed at least once on normal



The software is provided under the GNU General Public License, Version 3. See the LICENSE file for details.