
Plater Nameplates Performance Units (plugin)

Allows you to add or remove units into the performance unit list. A unit tagged as performance won't run scripts, auras, etc, allowing the game to render hundrets of nameplates at once.

Welcome to Plater Nameplater Performance Units (plugin) download page

If you're new to addons, this is a plugin for Plater Nameplates and require the main addon to be installed for this one to work. Download Plater Nameplates here:

How to use:

- After installing the plugin, close and re-open World of Warcraft™ game.
- Type /plater in your chat window to open the Plater Nameplates options panel.
- Select the PLUGINS tab.
- In the left side there is a list of plugins installed, on this list select: PERFORMANCE UNITS.
- Now you see the panel where you can add a new Npc into the list: