
Library for load quests, items and spells


Library for load quests, items and spells.


local ltl = LibStub("LibThingsLoad-1.0") -- Create Quest Promise local promise = ltl:Quests(25, 2039, 2158, 37) -- or table of ids ltl:Quests({25, 2039, 2158, 37}) -- or create Item Promise local promise = ltl:Items(3069, 1537, 1539, 3081) -- or table of ids ltl:Items({3069, 1537, 1539, 3081}) -- or create Spell Promise local promise = ltl:Spells(1557, 3117, 3229, 1645) -- or table of ids ltl:Spells({1557, 3117, 3229, 1645}) promise:Then(function(promise) -- the callback will be called when all IDs have been loaded -- some code end) promise:ThenForAll(function(promise, id, loadType) -- the callback will be called for any loaded id -- some code end) promise:ThenForAllWithCached(function(promise, id, loadType) -- the callback will be called for any loaded or cached id -- some code end) promise:Fail(function(promise, id, loadType) -- the callback will be called for any unsuccessfully loaded id -- some code end) promise:FailWithChecked(function(promise, id, loadType) -- the callback will be called for any failed id loaded or already failed id loaded -- some code end)