

MerathilisUI is an external ElvUI Mod. It adds some usefull and probably not some usefull (lol) additions to ElvUI.

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With MerathilisUI 5.86 i will drop the support for classic Versions. This means, i will finally only support Retail!

What does this Plugin do?

MerathilisUI is an external ElvUI Mod. It adds some usefull and probably not some usefull (lol) additions to ElvUI. For more information and Screenshots please visit my AddOn Page on Tukui


The Installer will run on the first time you enable it or after the ElvUI Installation is complete. You can ran the Installer anytime by clicking the Install Button in the MerathilisUI Options. You can skip every install steps to keep your current ElvUI Settings.


  1. Install ElvUI
  2. Install MerathilisUI

You need to do the install steps from ElvUI, otherwise it can cause errors during my install.


My LUA Knowledgement is very limited, so i will take my time to fix and add new stuff ;) Layout Changes: if you want always my latest layout, you'll have to run the installer again. This will overwrite any changes you made.