
Cell - Unit Frames

Provides additional Unit Frames for our beloved Cell!

Cell - Unit Frames



Plugin for the amazing AddOn Cell that adds various unit frames.

Simply head into the Layouts tab in Cell to start customizing your frames.

Units currently available

  • Player
  • Target
  • TargetTarget
  • Focus
  • Pet
  • Boss


The widget/indicator system differs from the original Cell, and as such won't support native indicators.

Most of the common indicators are supported, but it's still a work in progress.

Custom Formats

Health Text, Power Text and Custom Text supports custom formats, expressed as tags.

These can be combined in any order to create the desired format.

  • [curhp:short] | [curhp:per] to produce 120k | 100.00%.
  • [curhp]/[maxhp] to produce 80000/120000.

There is also support for conditional prefixes and suffixes. Simply add a > or < before or after the tag and the text preceding or following the tag will be used as the prefix or suffix respectively. Only showing when the tag is active.

  • [target< «] [name] to produce Sylvanas Windrunner « Bob.
  • [name] [» >target] to produce Bob » Sylvanas Windrunner.

There is also support for conditional colors for Health Tags. They can be expressed using {neg:color}, for negative values, or {pos:color}, for positive values; inside of a prefix.

  • [{neg:red}{pos:green}>abs:healabs:merge:short]

Available colors: red, green, blue, white, black, yellow, cyan, magenta, orange, purple, gray, pink, brown, gold, warrior, paladin, hunter, rogue, priest, deathknight, shaman, mage, warlock, monk, druid, demonhunter, evoker

Write /cuf tags in the chat to see a list of all available tags.

Feel like a useful tag is missing, or simply have a niche request? Feel free to make a feature request or even a PR!

You can also create your own custom tags on the fly via snippets.

Check out for an example.


Click-Casting is fully supported, and can be toggled on/off on a per-unit basis.


This plugin fully supports Cell's snippet system!

These two Callbacks can be used with Cell:RegisterCallback()

CUF_AddonLoaded - Fired when the addon is fully loaded, before Frames & Widgets are initialized.

CUF_FramesInitialized - Fired when all Frames & Widgets are initialized.

Check out for example usage.


This plugin provides custom API that can be used to easily perform various actions.

Check out for further documentation.


This plugin provides built-in support for creating dummy anchors to match other Unit Frame addons.

With these anchors, you can easily migrate from other Unit Frame addons to Cell Unit Frames, without having to update various anchors used in eg. WeakAuras.

Issues / Feature Requests

Please report any issues or feature requests over on GitHub.


Want to help translate the AddOn? Head over to CurseForge.