Adds multiple (optionally colored) categories for the most common Dragonflight items in AdiBags (AdiBags is required!).
- Localization (feel free to contribute on Curseforge!)
- Mergeable Categories
- Custom Colors
- A Prefix you can customize
- A better UI (Categories, Dividers and alphabetical order)
- Pre-Patch Event Items
- Darkmoon & Fortune Cards
- Crafting Reagents (disabled by default, you might want to only enable the learned professions on each character)
- Enchanting - Insight of the Blue (disabled by default)
- Fishing Lures (disabled by default)
- Leather - Bait (disabled by default)
- Herbs - Seeds (disabled by default)
- Drakewatcher Manusscripts
- Profession Knowledge Items
- Elemental Trade Goods
- Reputation Items [Renown Tokens, Wrathion/Sabellian]
- Food
- Potions
- Phials
- Cauldrons
- Achievements & Unlockable Section, including:
- Lizis Reins
- Temperamental Skyclaw
- Magmashell
- Scrappy Worldsnail
- Honor our Ancestors (disabled by default)
- Chip (Pet)
- Phoenix Wishling (Pet)
- Mossy Mammoth (Mount)
- Librarian of the Reach (Achievement)
- While we were Sleeping (Achievement)
- Ruby Feast (now seperate from the other food)
- Incense
- Contracts
- Tools (containing various things like lockpicks and battle rez items)
- Runes (including Vantus Runes)
- Statues
- Primordial Stones
- Primalist Gear
- Artifacts
- Artisan Curious
- Zskera Vault
- Item Level Upgrades for craftable items
- Shadowflame Crests
- Cavern Currencies (like Bartering Stones)
- Fyrak Assault
- Embellishments
- Item Enhancements
If anything is missing, misplaced, or you want a new category, then please write a comment or open an issue. There are literally thousands of item IDs in this addon, so I may have missed or misplaced something. Report these items & I will fix them ASAP. Thanks! :)
A special thanks to the following people for their contributions in translating this addon:
- g00v3R (German)
- okaboo (French)
- BigFab (Italian)
- noadtome (Korean)
- cathzinhas & doctahy (Brazilian Portuguese)
- dadec666 (Russian)
- RainbowUI & mccma (Traditional Chinese)
If you want to contribute too, you can do so by submitting translations directly on Curseforge.
Other Expansions
I have created similiar addons for other expansions. Check them out & complete the set :)
- Classic/Vanilla
- Burning Crusade
- Wrath of the Lich King
- Cataclysm
- Mists of Pandaria
- Warlords of Draenor
- Legion
- Battle for Azeroth
- Shadowlands
- Dragonflight
If you want to help out with development, you can always donate using PayPal, Ko-fi or become a Patreon: